Eyesynth · Niira

  • Eyesynth · Niira
  • Eyesynth · Niira
  • Eyesynth · Niira

Electronic glasses

Eyesynth is an auditive system that translates spatial and visual information into sound. This innovative electronic glasses system is crafted to transform the lives of individuals with blindness and low vision, merging technology and design to create a new realm of sensory experience for the visually impaired.

Impetus behind Eyesynth is the commitment to harness technology for inclusivity. Recognizing the challenges faced by the visually impaired, these electronic glasses serve a crucial purpose: to provide a semblance of sight through sound, thus enabling better navigation and interaction with their surroundings.

The glasses function by converting visual data into intuitive auditory signals, with features such as adjustable soundscapes and sensitivity settings. Their best attributes are the real-time audio feedback and the ability to discern depth and shape, making the system highly user-friendly and significantly enhancing the user’s spatial awareness.

Client: Eyesynth

Category: Science & Health